Monday, December 5, 2016

I've Had It With You People and Your Unbridled Greed

Down through history, some people have taken more than their share, and others have had to slap their hands and tell them they can't have it all - they must share. Share with their employees, especially, the people who work hard at their factories and restaurants and the like.

I have no problem with rich folks, really I don't. They often have good ideas and take risks to start companies, which provide jobs for people. Often they earn large sums of money doing so. Not a problem. Good for them.

I have a problem, however, with corporations which pay their CEOs almost 400 times what they pay their lowest paid worker.

I have a problem when taxpayers have to subsidize the meager pay of the workers with welfare.

I have a problem with corporations being bailed out with taxpayer funded government payments on the premise that the corporation will create jobs - and then they don't.

I have a problem with those corporations then hiding their money in the Cayman Islands to avoid paying income tax.

I have a problem with companies shipping their manufacturing overseas and paying those workers even less than they would pay American workers.

I have a problem with the newest scheme - companies merging with overseas companies and making the foreign company the headquarters. Of course, the foreign country has a very low tax rate and the new merged company pays no United States income tax.

And on and on.

As Nick Hanauer, a very wealthy self described "plutocrat" says in a talk on YouTube, speaking to his fellow plutocrats - "The pitchforks are coming."

Meaning that throughout history, the "peasants", those working for the wealthy, have taken only so much - then revolted. In France, they came after the nobles with pitchforks. It wasn't pretty.

As I keep saying - you have to take care of your people. Or, trust me - they will take care of you.  And it won't be pretty.

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