On November 8, 2016, the nation elected Donald Trump as President of the United States.
Some of the people I love were very upset. One cried all the next day.
I lost a relative a few days later, when she made light of the one who cried and me. Then she decided to unfriend me for her sanity...
Other relatives simply remained quiet. I have had a few friends explain why they voted for him. I respect that they at least tried to explain and were sincere, even if I think they were wrong.
Since the inauguration, I have watched as President Trump and his people have attempted to dismantle many of the policies and precedents that I believe should have been left in place. I have watched as Cabinet members were selected not on their knowledge and ability, but on their wealth and their opposition to the departments they were to lead. Steve Bannon admitted as much, with his idea of "deconstructing the government."
I have heard that the country needs a President who is a businessman. I disagree, as the traits of a successful businessman are not those of a leader.
Trump was a dishonest businessman as well. Over twenty years ago, my older brother Charlie told me that most people who did business with Trump would not do so again, as he cheated them. Contractors would do a job for him, and he would get out of paying them based on being dissatisfied with their work. Legal - but immoral if one plans it that way.
I fear that Trump is not intelligent, not intellectually curious, dishonest deliberately, and psychologically unfit to be President.
I can't hate him. I pity him.
I pity him from the depths of my soul. Imagine being so needy, so desperate for others' approval, that you have to lie, cheat and steal to remain on top. I can't imagine living like that.
Three wives, none of whom respect him. Several adult children who are busy trying to cover for him. Of course, I don't actually know what is going on in his head, but I am forming my opinions from my reading and observations.
I say I have had it with you Trump supporters. But I can't even be angry with you. You were led by the nose by a con man. You still believe in trickle down economics, and blame the nonexistent Welfare Queen, or illegal aliens, or black people, or anyone else but the right people, for the fact that you haven't been able to get ahead.
Take a look at facts, and you will see that once again, the extremely wealthy who have no conscience (for there are those who are wealthy with consciences) have taken the money and really hope you will blame the School Lunch Programs and SNAP for your troubles.
Are you really that stupid? Do you really believe raising the minimum wage will cause job loss? That Mexicans are taking our jobs? That all Muslims want to bomb us?
Take your country back, under the real principles for which it was founded. Taking care of others and our world isn't a Socialist thing. It is a kind thing.
And by the way, I am sure someone is smart enough to get it across to Donald Trump that he will look much better, now and in the history books, if he actually does the right thing.
Please try.