Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I've Had It With You Junk Food Producers

Every time I go into a store, I have to walk past rows and rows of candy, cookies, cupcakes, pies, ice cream, crackers,all kinds of packaged junk food that is not good for me.

There are frozen dinners containing more chemicals than actual food. Packed macaroni and cheese that has powdered cheese and chemicals. Cakes of every imaginable style and flavor, some with garish decoration. Breads of all types, so many you have to be a real sleuth at reading labels to buy the one or two kinds that have healthy ingredients.

I once counted seventy-two different candy bars in one small convenience store.

Consuming this junk has contributed to the obesity epidemic and all sorts of chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cancer. You know, things that will kill you.

You know, I don't really believe you people are out to kill us. I do believe you do not care.

You just produce it, piously saying you are only giving people what we want.


You produce it because you know we will buy it - because we are weak. You display it in tempting ways. There are even college courses on marketing the crap.

You do not produce what we want. You make what you know we will buy, and you do not care that you are contributing to our demise.

Sadly, a ban on the junk smacks of censorship and government control, things I do not care for.

Maybe you could wall off a section of the store and put the junk behind there, and people would have to ask to go in to buy it, like porn - but no, that wouldn't work, either.

How did it get so bad? What can we do now? Thanks a lot, you creepy manufacturers and marketers. Wish you'd grow a conscience.

Just Say No to Junk Food?

We will be doing our best to do so.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I've Had It With Some of You Religious Folks

The whirlwind of Christmas and all is over. The season of brotherly love can be packed away with the Christmas ornaments, and some of you will go back to hating each other again.

You will go back to feeling superior to those folks in other religions and denominations, so certain yours is THE ONLY WAY.

I don't think so. Fails the logic test. And any God worth worshiping, a Creator who made our minds, and who did not say turn them off, is not so narrow-minded as you make Him out to be.

I've watched and listened for a lot of years, and seen people scream, yell and kill each other to prove their religion was right. What are they afraid of? Hate comes from fear.

As far as I can tell, we all became aware as children, babies, that we are here on this Earth. We gradually see that we are separate from our caregivers. Beyond that - we haven't got a clue.

We don't know beyond a shadow of a doubt why we are here or how we got here. And we darn sure do not know what we are supposed to do. So, we guess.

Some of us guess better than others. Some of us have wonderful, safe lives and never have to worry about much. They have nice, safe beliefs and never challenge them.

Others are born into hellish surroundings, scrabbling for their very existence. I wondered once as a child if it were not set up that way - poor people in Africa were there to give rich Americans something to do. But that would be wrong - wouldn't it?

Fact is - we don't know. But we don't like not knowing. So we make up elaborate explanations for it all.

There is no incontrovertible proof to support any religion over another. Not as far as I know, and I've been looking for it for years. Does it make logical sense that only a few people got the memo? That they know exactly what is going on? No. It does not.

I've had it with you people who smugly flaunt your knowledge and make others feel small thereby. Who only give to the less fortunate because you think it will get you a better seat in Heaven - which you made up. Who think it is okay to kill (choose one):the Infidels, Rag heads, Niggers, Abortion Doctors, Christians, Jews,.....

Stop trying to make yourselves okay by making others wrong. I know you are scared and confused. We all are. You have chosen the wrong path to make yourself feel secure.

It's as if we are allowed, in our separate groups, so get a glimpse of God, of a tiny piece of the infinite puzzle that is Life. The Creator knows we are different and what scares one will inspire another. So He (or She, we don't even know) lets us construct elaborate rituals and temples and hymns and smells and bells, and it's all just fine - until we insist that our small piece is the whole puzzle, and laugh and ridicule the other groups for daring to think they had the whole puzzle. And then kill them for making us feel bad.

Stop it. It's wrong.

Put your pieces together. See what the others know. Come out of your caves, your temples, your mosques, your churches. Talk to one another. Listen to one another, more importantly. Their piece of the puzzle is no threat to yours - nor should yours be to them.

Put your puzzle pieces together. The whole puzzle is from the Creator, who loves His creations very much. Imagine that kind of love. Deep, abiding,neverending, all enfolding love from a Creator we only can imagine is like the best parent ever. Imagine that - you are so loved. Then love each other, as best you can. That's the only thing that consistently makes sense in this confusing mess we call Life.

We are Created. We are Here. We Don't Know Why. We Are Loved. We Must Help Each Other Figure It Out.

Love Each Other.

All else is details.